PYA and Foley & Lardner cordially invite you to attend, "Let's Talk Compliance," an opportunity for attendees to interact with various compliance experts. A panel of presenters, comprised of healthcare attorneys, certified public accountants and valuators, healthcare advisors, and HITRUST-certified professionals, will present on compliance issues. They also will lead a roundtable discussion and answer your questions stemming from various topics, including physician compensation, overpayments, and HIPAA, and the impact of advanced practice providers on workflow. Our experts will take a deep dive into the myriad compliance matters that affect your organization.
Panelists include Foley & Lardner attorneys Jana Kolarik, Kelly Thompson, and Larry Vernaglia, along with PYA professionals Angie Caldwell, Valerie Rock, and Barry Mathis.
CPE, CLE, and CHC credits will be available. Lunch will be provided. There is no charge to attend. Please RSVP by January 18, 2019.